Buy Scarecrow Costume for Girls

Scarecrow Costume for Girls

Scarecrow Costume for Girls Description and Review:

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Scarecrow Costume for Girls. HappyCrowWe're pretty sure scarecrows have a bad name. Like, they were made to protect the fields. If anything, they are friendly little helpers watching out for us, but the name always makes us think of something creepy. Which is why we're here. To debunk this whole "Scary Scarecrow" nonsense. You see, scarecrows scare off birds, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're scary. Scary conjures images of ooze and creepy crawly things... things that scare us. But scarecrows weren't meant to scare us. They're for scaring birds. Like anything that moves a little and is human-sized will be scary to birds! So, we think that we might as well make scarecrows as friendly looking as possible. In that way, they'll still do their job, but we'll enjoy seeing them. Does that make any sense? Good. And while we're at it, we think they could stand to be re-branded as well. JoyfulCrows? HappyScare? Hm. We might have to think about that one a bit more. Fun DetailsIn any case, in order to help everyone adjust their perceptions of those... er... Scarers-of-crows, we have this adorable Scarecrow Costume. This cute little outfit has a short-sleeved shirt with a button on the back and a bright fall plaid. The pants are Capri-length overalls with straw fringe on the bottom and an elastic waist. There's even a rope belt attached to the front. The outfit comes with a floppy brown hat as well, complete with flowers. Add to this a cute little pair of brown gloves and some kid you know is going to make the sweetest-looking scarecrow, like ever. Bird-B-GoneSee what we mean? Adorable. And we're positive it will be just as good about scaring off birds. Hm. Scarebirdsaway? Happyfieldprotector? Bird-B-Gone? Yeah, we've got nothing. We'll leave it at scarecrow for now, just remember that they're not that scary... for humans anyway.

Buy cheap Scarecrow Costume for Girls in AU! The Scarecrow Costume for Girls is certainly that and will be a great buy. For this price, the Scarecrow Costume for Girls is highly recommended and is a popular choice with lots of people.

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